Doctors Urge To Impose Restrictions

The United Kingdom:

Coronavirus appears to be raising its ugly head again in Britain after its hospitals were closed due to being swamped by a new wave of Covid-19 infections, prompting the health service’s lobby organisation to urge for stronger controls on Wednesday.

According to Reuters, the government has signalled that a fresh lockdown is not necessary. On Tuesday, Britain recorded 223 new cases of the infection, the biggest daily figure since March, and cases are at an all-time high in Europe.

What is the government’s stance?

“There will be no new economic lockdown in the United Kingdom, even as cases rise and Prime Minister Boris Johnson warns of a rough winter ahead,” Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said. Business minister Kwasi Kwarteng said another lockdown would be unacceptable, and he downplayed the possibility of additional limited measures being implemented shortly.

“Ministers, scientists, and professionals are looking at data hourly,” he told the BBC. “And we don’t think it’s the proper moment for Plan B right now.”

Johnson underlined that Britain’s early success with vaccinations indicated that the country will be able to manage a difficult winter without the need for a new lockdown, despite having already shut down the economy three times.

According to the agency research, Britain currently has the ninth highest coronavirus death toll in the world, with about 139,000 fatalities. It is one of many countries that began the immunisation programme early, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson also eliminated nearly all Covid-19 limitations in the United Kingdom and ended social distancing measures.

What are the opinions of health professionals?

Doctors, on the other hand, have expressed worry that the increased number of Covid-19 patients admitted to hospitals, along with constraints on the NHS from seasonal diseases, may render hospitals unable to handle with long waiting lists and function regularly.

The NHS Confederation’s Chief Executive, Matthew Taylor, has urged for measures that Johnson is holding in reserve, such as mask-wearing and working from home, which would be small inconveniences but may prevent a crisis from escalating.

“Every day, I talk to health leaders, and I haven’t met a single one who doesn’t acknowledge that their service is under severe strain right now. The month of October is in its midst. Things are only going to get worse from here “Taylor stated on BBC radio.

The rapid rollout of vaccines in Europe will also mean that protection may begin to wane among individuals who were vaccinated early, prompting scientists to call for an increase in the frequency of booster shots.

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