The most important thing to know about Dating Sunday is that it is on a Sunday. There have been a lot of changes in modern dating over the last two years. Singles haven’t had a good run since the early days of the pandemic, when there were only virtual meetups. They’ve also had a bad hot vax summer, and now there’s yet another COVID variant. New Year’s Day is coming up soon. Will that change?

Is there any chance that you will be able to go on Dating Sunday?

People who are single come out of hibernation to swipe on dating apps on Dating Sunday, which is usually the first Sunday of the year. It’s a great time to meet new people because it’s in the middle of the winter holiday season and Valentine’s Day. When apps noticed how busy people were after New Year’s Day, they came up with the name for it. If you want to know what Rachel DeAlto, the chief dating expert for Match, thought about dating apps when she talked about 2020, she called it the “Super Bowl of dating apps.”

A lot of people expect a lot from Dating Sunday, which is on January 2, 2022. However, I’m here to tell you that your hopes may not be met. I’ve been through both the day and dating apps in general, so I know what to expect. In fact, you may not find the love of your life on Dating Sunday. That’s fine.

Stats back up all the hype about the apps: OkCupid usually sees a 70% increase in users on Dating Sunday. Tinder says that 10% of all swipes in January happen on that day as well.

The reason for it also makes sense. If we want to spend time with our families this time of the year, we might not date. December is “proposal season,” after all, and that can remind us that we’re still single! Because January is often seen as a “fresh start,” people may be more optimistic about going out and meeting someone new. Throw in the fact that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and it makes sense that our fingers are swiping.

If you think about it, though, the promise of “Dating Sunday” ignores what’s going on in the world right now. This will be the second pandemic that starts on Sunday. Many people in the United States have been vaccinated, unlike last year, but we’re also seeing a lot of the highly contagious omicron variant.

This, of course, makes dating even more difficult. People may not want to eat inside or meet people face-to-face in the near future. They may also be depressed about the state of the world and not want to have light conversation at a time when they are stressed out.

Then there’s the fact that the exact day isn’t set in stone, at least with one app. On January 2 and January 9, OkCupid said that this year is a “double” Sunday Dating, because there are two of them this year. On Jan. 2, OKCupid says that people will see a lot of likes, matches, and conversations. According to the app, some users will start the next week at a later time. That will also be unusual, the app says.

Which app should you use to meet people? This guide can help you figure out what to do.

There isn’t just a push to do something on one day, but two.

If you start the new year with Dating Sunday, it might not be a good idea. A bad match on Dating Sunday might make you think that this year will be bad. You might think that 2022 is going to be like the past two years or so.

Not at all. In the end, it doesn’t matter how many swipes you make in a day or even a month. The most popular apps (like Tinder and Bumble) have a lot of users, and they’ll be going strong even after Dating Sunday. There will be more chances after the first two Sundays of the year. It’s possible that the days in between could also be profitable. If it’s after that.

Remember: How to Date There is no way to know how the rest of the year will go based on how Sunday goes. If you don’t want to, don’t do it. You can find love at another time. They won’t go away when Monday comes around.

Do the same thing you want in a possible match.

If you want to put your best foot forward, do it. On Dating Sunday, experts say that you should finish your bio and add at least three pictures of yourself. Some apps, like Bumble, have extra fields you can fill out, like what you like to do. Do the same thing you want in a possible match.

I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir when I talk about how to keep people happy. For those who aren’t brave enough to go on a date, there was a pandemic and even before. If you don’t find a match, know that Dating Sunday is just another roadblock on the way.