Shah Rukh Khan and his wife, Gauri, who have been together for over 30 years, found love young, much before the actor became an industry icon. However, rumour has it that cracks allegedly formed in their marriage when Shah Rukh was romantically linked with Priyanka Chopra. The co-stars were thick as thieves, with Priyanka openly declaring her admiration for the star and Shah Rukh expressing that she was close to his heart. Their dating rumours dominated headlines and continue to do so years after they last worked together in Don 2. Recently, an old tweet from Shah Rukh mentioning Priyanka caught the netizens’ eye once again.
Shah Rukh Khan says he has to ‘flirt with Priyanka Chopra’ in old tweet, netizens react
Recently, we stumbled upon an old tweet from 2010 that Shah Rukh Khan made. In it, the iconic actor seemed to be laying out a few tasks he had lined up for the day. However, what caught everyone’s attention was his mention of Priyanka Chopra. Not only did Shah Rukh name the actress, but he also claimed that he had to ‘flirt with’ her. Shah Rukh’s tweet can be read as:
“My shoulder is sore…so doing some treatment. Then have to flirt with Priyanka Chopra for greenathon in the evening. Chinese food at home.”
Shah Rukh’s tweet certainly raised some eyebrows among netizens. One user penned, “He is a creep man, no matter how much his “fans” defend him,” while another commented, “Now the srk defenders will come and say he’s a wholesome family man and these tweets were harmless.” However, others came to the actor’s defence, with a part of one user’s comment reading, “Affair karne wale log publicly platform pe announce nahin karte. Everyone knows lot of it is in jest.”
When Shah Rukh Khan indirectly asked 17-year-old Priyanka Chopra to marry him at the Miss India pageant
When Priyanka Chopra participated in the Miss India pageant in 2000 at 17 years of age, she was fortunate enough to have her idol, Shah Rukh Khan, as a judge. During the Q&A round, Shah Rukh posed a question about marriage and included himself in it. He asked Priyanka:
“This is hypothetical. Who would you rather marry? A great Indian sportsmen with all the records in Indian cricket like Azhar Bhai here who would make our country proud, take you all around the world and make you swell with pride or an artistic business person with a difficult name to pronounce like Swarovski who would bedeck you with jewels and fine necklace and you will never have to buy a chandelier for your house ever again or a Hindi film star like me who has nothing better to do than give you complicated multiple-choice questions about a hypothetical wedding like this.”
Priyanka didn’t have to mull her answer over in her mind for too long. As soon as Shah Rukh Khan asked the question, the now-international star responded:
“I would go for a great Indian sportsman because when I come back home or he comes back home, I know I will be there to be his support to tell him that I am proud of him as much as India is. To be able to tell him, ‘Hey look, you did your best.’ I will take immense pride in my husband who will be a man of strong character if he can bring so much pride to my country.”
When Shah Rukh Khan denied the rumours about him and Priyanka Chopra dating
Shah Rukh Khan once addressed the speculations about his alleged affair with Priyanka Chopra and apologised for leaving his fans hurt as they always considered him one woman’s man. The actor stated that the ‘most disturbing’ part for him was that the lady who worked with him was questioned and disrespected.
What do you think about Shah Rukh Khan’s resurfaced tweet mentioning Priyanka Chopra?
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