Karan Veer Mehra has been hogging all headlines since the actor won the popular reality show Bigg Boss 18. Karan, who has been inside the house for 105 days, lifted the coveted trophy on January 19, 2025, after fighting tooth and nail for the title against Vivian Dsena. Not just this, the actor also reportedly took home the hefty prize money of Rs. 50 lakhs as a cash prize. However, that did not stop Karan from facing a confusing incident with security personnel.
A security guard stopped Karan Veer Mehra from entering a building complex
Recently, a video has been circulating on the internet which features the Bigg Boss 18 winner trying to enter a building complex. According to the video shared by Instabollywood, Karan Veer Mehra was trying to enter a building, which the media members swarmed. However, as the actor tried entering the complex, he was stopped by the security guard who was keeping the paparazzi from entering the building. As soon as that happened, a media member told the guard, ‘Unko toh jaane do yaar.’ To which the security guard realised who the person was and looked extremely apologetic.
Karan Veer Mehra smiles and hugs the apologetic security guard
Once the security personnel realised that it was none other than Karan Veer Mehra, he instantly allowed him inside and looked apologetic. However, Karan acted sweetly and laughed it off. He even gave the security guard a tight hug before he went inside. For the occasion, Karan was dressed in a dark blue sweatshirt and blue denim. He picked green and beige shoes to tie in the look. Karan had opted for a few accessories, which included rings, a watch and a necklace. While Karan swiftly moved on, a pap behind the camera was heard stating:
“Galat kar diya bhai. Ary bhaiya kya pehchana nahi aapne unko.”
Netizens react to the video
Karan Veer Mehra taking the incident in good humour melted some netizens’ hearts. One user wrote, ‘Most deserving winner ever.’ Another Instagram user commented, ‘This time, the public won too.’ The comment section had several red hearts and ‘KVM’ comments. While another user appreciated his gesture and wrote, ‘I mean, I don’t know this guy! However, the gesture after was too sweet.’
However, there was another sect of netizens who were not pleased with Karan Veer Mehra’s win in the controversial reality show, Bigg Boss 18 , and they took the chance to share their dismay. One user commented, ‘Karma. Vivian ko kya roast kar raha tha.’ Another Instagram user penned, ‘Security guard ne bhi nahi pehchana winner ko.’ Multiple comments were from fans who were upset their favourite contestant didn’t win the show.
Karan Veer Mehra won Bigg Boss 18
Karan Veer Mehra was declared the winner of Bigg Boss 18, which was hosted by Salman Khan. His friend for more than 12 years, Vivian Dsena, became the first runner-up of the controversial reality show, while Rajat Dalal became the second runner-up. Karan took home the winner’s trophy and a whopping cash prize of Rs. 50 lakh. For the unversed, before Bigg Boss 18, Karan Veer also won Khatron Ke Khiladi 14, making this win even more special for the actor.
Click here to watch the video.
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Next Read: Vivian Dsena’s First Appearance With His Wife, Nouran Aly And Their Daughter After ‘Bigg Boss 18’