Priyanka Chopra has gained worldwide fame. Apart from being a successful actress, she is also an author and an entrepreneur. Apart from winning Miss World and making a mark in Bollywood, Hollywood, ‘PeeCee’ has proved her mettle. However, recently the actress revealed a shocking incident that took place when she was 19 and was giving wings to her career
Priyanka Chopra shares her dehumanising experience with a director for her role as an escort
During an interview with the Forbes Power Women’s Summit, Priyanka shared a shocking incident with a director she faced when she was 19 and was new to the film industry. She said there was this song in which she played the escort in the movie. She was supposed to be seductive towards this guy. Priyanka was very excited as it was one of her first movies with a really big Indian actor and was excited about bringing in this escort’s aspect and human side. The innocent actress then told her director to speak to her stylist to explain what he wanted in terms of clothes. Priyanka was shocked and revealed:
“I am standing right behind him, he is sitting on his chair in a really entitled way and he picks up the phone and he goes like ‘listen people are coming into the movies to watch her when she shows her panties. So it needs to be really short, so that I can see her panties. People who are sitting upfront, they should be able to see her panties. And he said it like four times.'”
The Citadel actress was so shocked by the incident that she straight went back home, cried to her mother and said she could not look at the face of the director. Priyanka had also told her mom if that’s what the director thought of her, if that’s how small she is made to feel, there was no space for growth. Priyanka then told the director that she could not work in the film and to date, she never worked with him.
When Priyanka Chopra had to undergo another dark phase in her life due to a botched nose surgery
Priyanka is known to make her own bold and fearless choices in movies. She believes how she wants to be looked will be her choice, and her perception is her identity. The actress once shared a dark phase in her life when she went to a doctor after winning Miss World in 2000. This was because she was having issues breathing and there was a lingering cold. The doctor diagnosed a polyp, which is a tissue growth, and recommended surgery. Priyanka had written in her memoir back in 2021. She had penned:
“While shaving off the polyp, the doctor also accidentally shaved the bridge of my nose, and the bridge collapsed. When it was time to remove the bandages and the condition of my nose was revealed, Mom and I were horrified.”
What do you think of Priyanka Chopra’s revelation on the director?
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