I was arrested in Iran for writing an Op-Ed for the Wall Street Journal. Dictatorships are making criticism a national-security crime, even when it seems to be in overseas publications. That’s the destiny of an Iranian blogger.

Hossein Ronaghi for writing an October op-ed in these pages.

We not too long ago instructed you that Mr. Ronaghi went lacking on Feb. 23—the day after he tweeted in opposition to laws that will give Iranian authorities new powers to suppress online speech and censor web content.

He’d been arrested, and Mr. Ronaghi went on a starvation strike in jail. He was released on bail on March 2 after these columns, the Related Press and the Committee to Shield Journalists reported on his disappearance.

However the excellent news ends there. Mr. Ronaghi’s pal

Farangiss Bayat

spoke with him after his launch. She says authorities have charged him with publishing propaganda in opposition to the Islamic Republic System and conspiracy in opposition to nationwide safety. The alleged prison conduct consists of Mr. Ronaghi’s current tweets and the op-ed he wrote for us, Ms. Bayat says.

Mr. Ronaghi instructed readers in regards to the killing of protesters, torture of political prisoners, beatings of ladies who fail to put on hijabs and youth who celebration with the other intercourse, and the imprisonment, flogging and execution of “repeat ‘offenders.’” He lamented that “most individuals within the West—even those that think about themselves knowledgeable on Iran—don’t know our actuality as a result of overseas media protection persistently overlooks or denies our actuality.”

Tehran says the op-ed is proof of Mr. Ronaghi’s prison conduct, however his arrest proves his case in opposition to the federal government. When he wrote for us final 12 months, he had already survived six years of imprisonment and torture that left him plagued with well being issues.

“Writing this might land me again in jail,” Mr. Ronaghi wrote within the op-ed. “But when that’s the value for giving a voice to the unvoiced, will probably be value it.” That is the federal government the U.S. could quickly bathe with billions of {dollars} as a part of a brand new nuclear deal.

Journal Editorial Report: The week’s greatest from Adam O’Neal, Mary O’Grady, Joe Sternberg and Dan Henninger. Photographs: AFP/Getty Photographs Composite: Mark Kelly

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