Aanchal Mujal, best known for her role in Parvarishh, has won the hearts of her fans with her acting chops. The actress has now hogged the limelight because of her acting prowess in Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna’s blockbuster, Pushpa 2: The Rule. The actress has opened up about her experience working with Allu Arjun and shared how she thought he was a strict person.
Aanchal Mujal shares why she thought Allu Arjun was a stern person
Aanchal, in an interview with ETimes, revealed her experience of working with Allu Arjun. She said it was fabulous as she did not expect anything. So her experience was mesmerising. However, the actress felt that Allu Arjun was a strict actor to work with until he made an effort to break the ice. Aanchal shared:
“He didn’t really speak too much to anybody, because the scene required for him to be a little, you know, angry. And I thought he was this very strict stern kind of person.”
However, later Aanchal came to know that he was the most humble actor to work with and was dedicated to the film ever since she joined the sets and observed him.
Aanchal Mujal opens up about her journey in TV, movies and bagging Pushpa 2
Aanchal revealed her magical journey in the TV and film industry. When asked about the transition she made from small to the silver screen, the actress added that it’s not that it’s the first film she was doing. Even in her childhood, she was always doing TV and film simultaneously. She was never limited to just one medium or platform per se. Going ahead in the same interview, the actress shared that being a part of Pushpa 2 has been a big deal for her. In her words:
“I thought there would be questions arising as, to why would you do such a small role after having done such big and prominent roles in other films, but no, the media has given me a lot of love. The audience is giving you a lot of love. And in fact, one of the media guys told me that they questioned a lot of actresses, saying that, if you get even a two-second role in Pushpa, would you do it? And everybody’s answered like a boss. Somebody would be really stupid to say no to it even if it’s a one-minute role.”
Aanchal Mujal shares how things have changed in the TV and film industry
Aanchal revealed that the only mantra she has stuck by for acting is that one needs to be convinced to work and should have the power of conviction. She felt that irrespective of doing a digital campaign or, an ad or, a film or a TV soap, there is no rule book to act. However, she also said that things have changed, along with the audience’s perception towards content. Aanchal added:
“The way the audience perceives, the script has definitely changed, but the way you act can never change. Of course, OTT has emerged, and you know, it’s brought in, like a diverse range of audience.”
What do you think of Aanchal Mujal thinking of Allu Arjun as a strict person?
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