The Kapoor family is celebrating Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary with a grand three-day event, a celebration of the late legend’s life and work. The clan has extended a warm invitation to all, including celebrities from the Hindi cinema, to join in this joyous occasion. The RK Film Festival is co-organised by PVR INOX Limited and the Film Heritage Foundation, and it is a celebration that is open to all who admire Raj Kapoor’s contributions to Hindi cinema.
Neetu Kapoor misses Rishi Kapoor at the RKFF
Neetu Kapoor attended the Raj Kapoor Film Festival with her entire family on December 13, 2024. The diva slipped into a silver-hued silk salwar kameez with intricate pearl and motif patchwork. She paired her look with a red necklace and matching earrings. She opted for minimal makeup with well-defined eyebrows and pink lips.
Neetu took to her Instagram stories and shared a family photo featuring her son, Ranbir Kapoor, daughter, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and daughter-in-law, Alia Bhatt. They were all smiling for the lens, and it was a picture-perfect moment. Sharing the picture, Neetu wrote that she missed Rishi Kapoor. In her words:
“Missed you Kapoor saab.”
Alia Bhatt, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and Ranbir Kapoor looks at Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary
Alia epitomised the Kapoor bahu goals for Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary festival with her elegant cream-toned silk saree. The saree, adorned with delicate pastel flowers, was a sight to behold. Alia’s half-sleeved, deep-neck blouse and a dainty pearl choker perfectly complemented the saree, creating a look that was both understated and sophisticated. Her minimal makeup, with rosy pink cheeks, soft eyes, defined brows, and a touch of highlighter, added a radiant touch to her overall look. Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor was a vision in a black velvet sherwani with white pants, perfectly emulating his grandfather’s moustache style.
On the other hand, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, who is Bharat Sahni’s wife, was dressed up in a cream-toned kurta with contrasting churidaar. It was a perfect ode to the ’70s and ’80s time period. The entire family, radiating happiness, happily posed with each other, creating a warm and connected atmosphere.
Neetu Kapoor’s cute post remembering Rishi Kapoor transported us back in time when the couple used to attend the events together and the legendary actor shared a fun banter with the paps. Let us know your views on this.
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