Allu Arjun’s much-anticipated film, Pushpa 2: The Rule, is set to hit theatres on December 5, 2024. Ahead of the release, the actor has been busy with promotional events for the film, which have been filled with revelations. From Arjun revealing that he hadn’t kissed his daughter properly in three to four years to narrating his and Rashmika Mandanna’s emotional reactions on their last day of shooting, every event has amped up the excitement for the film. Well, no matter how the audience and critics feel about Pushpa 2, Arjun has a forever fan in his 10-year-old son, Ayaan. The actor recently shared a heartwarming letter from the young one to his dad. 

Allu Arjun’s proud 10-year-old son, Ayaan shares a heartfelt note with his dad ahead of Pushpa 2’s release 

With Pushpa 2: The Rule set to release tomorrow, Allu Arjun took to his Instagram handle to share a heartfelt handwritten letter given to him by his son, Ayaan. The 10-year-old’s note expressed his immense pride in his father as he wishes him and his team ‘the best of luck’ ahead of the film’s release. Ayaan’s note read:

“Dear Nana, I’m writing this note to express how proud I am of you and your success hard work, passion and dedication. When I see you at number 1, I feel on top of this world. Today is a special day as the worlds greatest actors’ movie is out. I understand your mixed bag of emotions, on this day. However, let me assure you that Pushpa is not just a movie but a journey and reflection of your love and passion for acting. I would take this opportunity to wish you and your team the best of luck!!”

Allu Arjun’s son, Ayaan says that his dad will be his ‘forever hero and idol’ regardless of Pushpa 2’s outcome

The young Ayaan ended his heartfelt letter with the kind of encouragement that fathers carry around with them for the rest of their lives. He declared to his dad, Allu Arjun that regardless of what happened with Pushpa 2, he would always look at his father as his ‘forever hero and idol.’ The little one also proudly stated that no matter how many fans Arjun had, his son would always be his biggest fan. Ayaan’s note concluded as follows:

“No matter the outcome, you’ll be my forever hero and idol. You have infinite fans around the universe, but I will still and forever remain the number 1 ardent fan and well wisher. From: The proudest son in the world. To: My top idol and Nana my love, heart and soul.”

Well, Ayaan’s feelings that had been poured out on the piece of paper certainly seemed to have touched his dad’s heart. Not only did Arjun share the letter on Instagram, but he also wrote in his caption that this was one of his ‘biggest achievements by far.’

When Allu Arjun compared his son, Ayaan to Ranbir Kapoor’s character in Animal

Earlier, during a candid chat on Nandamuri Balakrishna’s popular talk show, Unstoppable with NBK, Allu Arjun revealed that Ranbir Kapoor was his personal favourite actor. The actor then went on to mention how his son, Ayaan was the exact replica of Ranbir’s character in Sandeep Reddy Bhanga’s Animal. According to Arjun, his 10-year-old boy would do absolutely anything for him. However, at the same time, if something went wrong with his mother, he wouldn’t even spare his father.

What do you think about Allu Arjun’s son, Ayaan’s heartfelt handwritten letter for his father ahead of Pushpa 2’s release?

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