Aliya Basu Gayab Hai

Latest Hindi Film 2024

Film Story

Aliya Basu, a bright young woman in her mid-twenties, had always craved a life of thrill and adventure, far from the monotonous routine of her corporate job. Living in Mumbai, a city brimming with dreams, she often felt lost in its hustle. Her days passed in the blur of office deadlines, coffee runs, and half-hearted small talk. But there was something peculiar about Aliya—she believed in disappearing, not just from her life, but from everyone else’s too.

One evening, after an exhausting day at work, Aliya sat on her apartment’s balcony, staring at the Mumbai skyline. The city lights shimmered like a million stars, but they did nothing to lift her spirits. Her phone buzzed with yet another text from her boss, reminding her of a presentation due the next morning. She sighed, tossing her phone aside. That’s when the thought hit her—what if she simply disappeared? 

The idea began as a whimsical fantasy but quickly turned into an obsession. She spent weeks planning, meticulously covering every detail. She deleted her social media accounts, withdrew her savings, and even planted subtle clues of distress in conversations with colleagues and friends—anything that would suggest she was burnt out and ready to snap.

On the morning of her disappearance, Aliya left for work as usual. But instead of her office, she took a train to an unknown town on the outskirts of the city. She checked into a dingy motel, using a fake name, and threw her phone into the nearest river. She felt exhilarated, free from the invisible chains that had bound her for so long.

Back in Mumbai, panic ensued. Aliya’s boss tried reaching her when she missed the meeting, and her friends grew concerned when she didn’t answer their calls. As days passed, her absence became a headline: “Aliya Basu Gayab Hai”.

The police investigated, her friends posted missing-person flyers, but Aliya had covered her tracks too well. No one could find her.

But in the silence of that forgotten town, Aliya realized something unsettling. The emptiness she had fled from had followed her. Despite vanishing from everyone else’s life, she couldn’t escape herself.

In the end, disappearing had been easy. But living with the loneliness she had created was much harder.

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