Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Bandra residence faced a major burglary attack at 2 am on January 16, 2024. The actor was stabbed six times by the robbers, and he suffered multiple wounds around his neck and spine. Soon after the attack, the actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital by his son, Ibrahim and house staff. The actor was soon taken for surgery, and now Saif is finally out of the OT.

Saif Ali Khan’s team issued an official notice about the actor’s health

Saif Ali Khan was being operated by Dr Niraj Uttami the COO of Lilavati hospital. Dr Leena Jain and Dr Nitin. As per them, he has two major stabs on his spine and four minor cuts on his neck. However, the actor is now out of danger and is safe and sound. Saif’s team added:

“Saif Ali Khan has come out of surgery and is out of danger. He is currently in recovery, and the doctors are monitoring his progress. All family members are safe and the police is investigating the incident. We would like to thank Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Dr. Nitin Dange, Dr Leena Jain and the team at Lilavati hospital. Thank you to all his fans and well-wishers for their prayers and thoughts during this time.”

Saif Ali Khan’s team also thanked the doctors for their service and added that although the actor is out of danger, he will be under observation for further monitoring. The police are investigating the incident and thanked Saif’s fans and well-wishers for their prayers and love.

The COO of Lilavati Hospital, Dr Niraj Uttamani, shared that the actor was stabbed multiple times with a knife and sustained serious injury near his hand, neck and spine. But, he underwent a neurosurgery and is undergoing further treatment. Senior police officer Gedam Dixit confirmed to Reuters that the actor is “out of danger” and police are further investigating the case. Multiple teams have been formed to investigate the case, and the actor’s house help and other employees are being questioned. On the other hand, their respective teams have updated that the rest of the family members are doing well and requested the media for privacy.

Kareena Kapoor looked dishevelled and stressed after Saif Ali Khan got stabbed

At midnight, the Khan clan faced the worst of their fears after robbers attacked them. Although the attempt was a failure, they stabbed Saif Ali Khan six times. Kareena Kapoor was seen pacing at her front porch with the house staff as she looked stressed and, dishevelled and panicked after the attack. The actress looked disoriented, and it was unclear what she was up to. However, she was on her phone and talking to her staff members.

We hope and pray for Saif Ali Khan’s speedy recovery.

Next Read: Sara Ali Khan And Ibrahim Ali Khan Visit Saif Ali Khan In Hospital Post Knife Attack On Him