Love is in the air for Rishabh Jaiswal and Shreya Kalra as the duo took to their IG account and shared that the former proposed the latter. They are quite famous on social media, and Rishabh is also seen in Star Plus’ Yeh Rishta Kya Kehelata Hai’s fourth generation. The duo has been dating for quite some time now, but their fans did not see it coming. However, their fans and well-wishers started pouring congratulations and well wishes for the couple.

Rishabh Jaiswal went down on his knee to propose to ladylove, Shreya Kalra

Shreya and Rishabh are known for going the extra mile to make each other’s birthdays extra special. From gifting bikes to iPhones, the duo have been shelling out major couple goals. This time around, Rishabh went down on his knee and proposed to his lady love. For the unversed, it is Shreya’s birthday on January 14 and Rishabh took her on a trek and proposed.

Taking to their couple account, the duo shared the good news with their fans. Shreya was dressed in a red tie-up crop top with frill details for the day. She paired it with denim shorts and high-rise boots. Shreya kept her hair loose in curls and accessorised her look with hoop earrings and a few rings. Rishabh, on the other hand, looked dapper in black jeans paired with a tee and a beige-hued jacket.

Why do fans think that the proposal may be for a music video?

As soon as the post was shared, it gained traction, and fans and well-wishers started congratulating the pair. But as their history has it, the duo have often pranked their fans, and this seemed like one, too. On top of it, the attire seemed to be from a music video, and even singer, Akhil Sachdeva commented on the post.

Rishabh Jaiswal and Shreya Kalra’s professional front

Rishbah gained fame via his stint in Splitsvilla and later in Roadies. He then did a few commercials and modelling gigs and later bagged a role in YRKKH. Shreya, on the other hand, gained fame via Roadies and later hosted her podcast. The duo are also social media influencers and are quite famous, with lakhs of followers. Shreya was last seen in the web series, Heartbeats with Yuvraj Dua.

Well, we don’t know if it’s a prank, but Shreya and Rishabh look good together! Congratulations to them!

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