In the body horror movie “The Substance,” Demi Moore played a waning celebrity who resorts to tremendous measures to recover her youth, earning her the Golden Globe for best actress in a musical or comedy on Sunday. The actress, who was previously nominated in the same category in 1991 for “Ghost,” is most recognized for her work in the 1980s and 1990s, thus this part has been seen as a significant comeback for her. (In true Globes form, there is disagreement over whether “Ghost” or “The Substance” should be in the comedy race.)

According to Moore, Coralie Fargeat’s film “The Substance” is about “the violence we have against ourselves” as women. A younger, sexier version of herself (Margaret Qualley) is born out of her spine when her character, Elisabeth Sparkle, consumes a substance in the movie. They must alternate between bodies, but neither of them honors the equilibrium, and the end effect is repulsive.