Shalini Passi rose to fame with her stint in the Fabulous Lives Vs Bollywood Wives. The gorgeousness took no time to win the hearts of her fans with her authenticity and queen-like aura around her. In her personal life, Shalini is married to Sanjay Passi, and they are parents to Robin Passi. Recently, Shalini talked in detail about her son, Robin, and revealed why she feels proud of her son.
Shalini Passi heaps praise on her son, Robin Passi, and shares why she’s proud of him
Shalini Passi was in her 20s when she got married, and thus, she gave birth to Robin, when she was young. Her son is now 28 years old. Talking about Robin, Shalini, in an interview with Hautterfly, said that she’s extremely proud of her son. Sharing what happened during the pandemic, Shalini said that something happened to a girl in her family, and the girl had to elope from her home, but it was her friend, Robin, who rescued her and got her back. She also mentioned how her son often helps the ones in need, and even solved issues between a couple. Shalini can be quoted as saying:
“I am very proud of him. During the pandemic, certain things happened. There was a situation in some family, where the girl had run away. My son went and got her back. So many times, it has happened that a couple has fought, and there has been a situation, and my son has taken care of it all, dropping the girl home safe. This makes me proud.”
Shalini Passi shares why her son, Robin never shares his own relationship status with her
Going further in the interview, Shalini Passi shared how wonderful of a human being her son, Robin, is. She gave an example when Robin could have reached home after arriving at the airport on the last flight, but he didn’t do the same and stayed with his friends so that they don’t feel alone. When asked about her son’s relationship status, Shalini mentioned that her son doesn’t share details about his own relationship with her as he feels like it would be scary if his mom would talk to his partner and share weird emojis. Shalini said:
“My son doesn’t share his relationship details with me as he fears I will end up talking to them and sending them weird emojis.”
Shalini Passi reveals how her son, Robin Passi takes part in household chores
In the same interview, Shalini Passi revealed that her son, Robin takes part in household chores, and he knows how to cook, clean, and wash his own clothes. The interviewer then heaped praises on Robin, and Shalini said that there’s nothing special in this, as each person should know the basic things, as it provides them with confidence.
Shalini Passi recalled her postpartum struggle after giving birth to Robin at the age of 21
Shalini Passi, in the same interview, talked about the postpartum struggle she faced. The gorgeous lady revealed that she had lost sensation in her back and legs, after giving birth to her son at the age of 21. She also shared her doctors told her that she would have to take injections in her spine for the rest of her life, and she wouldn’t be able to dance or wear heels.
What do you think about Shalini Passi’s revelations?
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