It was on January 16, 2025, when Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his Satguru Sharan residence. He was back on his feet after five days, and his road to healing has been going on. The Nawab of Pataudi was stabbed six times and two of Saif’s wounds were deep. He had to undergo surgery for the same. However, do you know before the actor stayed at Satguru Sharan, he wanted to buy a house in Mumbai’s posh Juhu area but was denied?
When Saif Ali Khan opened up on being denied a house in Juhu
The actor, in a throwback interview that has now gone viral, shared a personal incident that left him stunned as it was related to his religion. Saif, known for his humorous and frank nature, opened up on how he could not purchase a house in Juhu just because he was a Muslim. Saif told in an interaction with News 18:
“Try to buy a house in Juhu being a Muslim, and you will be denied, saying, ‘We don’t give houses to Muslims.’”
When Saif Ali Khan revealed he had to face discrimination in India
Saif, going ahead in the interview, shared he did not face discrimination in the USA but had to undergo the same in India. He said that there are religious tensions in India, and maybe that is the thing about India—to tolerate it and deal with it. In his words:
“I mean, human nature is not simple and it will never be simple. A man fights with his wife, and brothers fight with each other, so it’s natural one country will fight with another, and one religion will fight with another. Fighting is not unusual. I think peace is unusual, understanding is unusual, so it’s fine.”
Saif Ali Khan’s sister, Saba Pataudi slams trollers for actor’s quick recovery
When Saif walked out of Mumbai’s Lilavati hospital ‘like a lion’ he was seen waving and smiling at his fans. It did not gel well with netizens that the actor walked normally after multiple lacerations. Questions related to his fast recovery have been raised since then, and netizens have been wondering how he could walk so fast. For the unversed, a broken piece of knife was removed from Saif’s body and the piece of metal was located close to his spine. Now, his sister, Saba slammed trollers who questioned her bhai’s healing process. She reshared a post that read:
“Educate yourselves: Doctor explains reason as people call Saif’s recovery ‘quick’.”
Mumbai Police nabs a woman in Saif Ali Khan’s case
Saif’s accused, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad from Bangladesh has been arrested. Now, in a fresh new development, Shariful’s sim card was investigated, and after a search operation was done in the Nadia area of West Bengal, a woman has been nabbed in connection with the case. The investigation revealed that the SIM used by Shariful was under the name of the Bangladeshi woman. The West Bengal police had told PTI:
“A woman was arrested by Mumbai Police from Chapra in Nadia district in the Saif Ali attack case. They may apply for transit remand to take her to Mumbai.”
What do you think of Saif Ali Khan being denied buying a house in Juhu?
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