Home CELEBRITY Opinion | Notable & Quotable: Justice Kavanaugh at Morton’s

Opinion | Notable & Quotable: Justice Kavanaugh at Morton’s

Abortion rights activists march to the home of Supreme Court docket Justice Brett Kavanaugh in Chevy Chase, Md., June 29.


Anna Moneymaker/Getty Photos

From Politico’s Playbook, July 8:

On Wednesday night time, D.C. protesters . . . acquired a tip that Justice


was eating at Morton’s downtown D.C. location. Protesters quickly confirmed up out entrance, known as the supervisor to inform him to kick Kavanaugh out and later tweeted that the justice was compelled to exit via the rear of the restaurant.

Daniel Lippman

appeared into the incident for us and confirmed that account. . . .

A rep for the chain steakhouse despatched Lippman this assertion:

“Honorable Supreme Court docket Justice Kavanaugh and all of our different patrons on the restaurant have been unduly harassed by unruly protestors whereas consuming dinner at our Morton’s restaurant. Politics, no matter your facet or views, mustn’t trample the liberty at play of the fitting to congregate and eat dinner. There’s a time and place for the whole lot. Disturbing the dinner of all of our clients was an act of selfishness and void of decency.”

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Appeared within the July 9, 2022, print version as ‘Notable & Quotable: Morton’s.’

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