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Do a Bulgarian Split Squat


How to do a Bulgarian Split Squat.

Walking and running require many core muscles, including the transverse abdominus, internal obliques, external obliques, and quadratus lumborum, to maintain the pelvis and spine when changing from one leg to the other. The Bulgarian split squat directs all of your energy into one leg at a moment, which increases leg muscular strength and may enhance balance and coordination. The cross-over effect is a significant benefit of this form of unilateral exercise; as your right leg is on the ground doing the effort, your left leg is also gaining stronger.

In summary, because walking and running entail switching from one leg to the other, the Bulgarian split squat is especially advantageous because it improves your muscles in a way that mimics how you utilise them. It also has the added advantage of strengthening your core muscles, making it an exercise you should include in your leg day.

Step-by-step Instructions

    • Place your feet hip-width apart. Place your left foot on the floor in front of your body and the top of your right foot behind your body on a knee-height bench or jump box.
    • Maintain a level pelvis as you lower your right knee to a comfortable depth on the floor (pressing your left foot into the floor helps to activate the deep core muscles that stabilise your pelvis).

    • To return to standing, press the left foot into the floor as if you were pushing the floor away from you before the right knee contacts the floor.

Common Mistakes

Focus on good form and avoid the following for the greatest results:

  • Allowing your rear knee to touch the floor during the lowering phase.
  • Allowing your front knee to protrude too far forward. The majority of the mobility for this exercise should come from the hip of the leg on the floor.
  • Using a box that is either too low or too high. Choose a box that is around knee-height but no taller than mid-thigh.


Use one dumbbell: Hold the weight in the hand on the opposite side of the body from the foot on the floor to promote activation of the core stabilisers.

TRX Suspension Trainer: A suspension trainer can help you improve your balance and mobility by letting you to extend your leg farther behind your torso, resulting in a wider range of motion. To activate your core muscles, place your left foot in the cradle (the fabric loop of the suspension trainer) and maintain your right foot planted against the floor. To increase stability, press the top of your left foot into the cradle and straighten your left leg behind you as you drop yourself into your right hip. Return to a standing position by pulling your left leg forward.

Kettlebell option: Hold a kettlebell on one side of your body, your arm fully stretched above. On the bench or box, use the same side as your back foot. Holding the arm straight above can help strengthen the shoulder while also boosting deep core muscle activation.


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