Home News Congress strikes to repeal Pentagon vaccine mandate in blow to White Home

Congress strikes to repeal Pentagon vaccine mandate in blow to White Home

Congressional Democrats have included a Republican-backed measure to repeal President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for service members, dealing a extreme blow to the White Home.

The choice follows Mr. Biden’s siding with Protection Secretary Lloyd Austin in opposition to repealing the mandate after initially signaling that he would think about the proposal after talking with Home Minority Chief Kevin McCarthy, California Republican, over the weekend.

Greater than a dozen Senate Republicans stated final week that they might oppose a procedural vote to advance the $847 billion Nationwide Protection Authorization Act (NDAA) until the chamber votes on a measure to dismantle the mandate and reinstate those that have been separated from the army for refusing the jab.

Mr. McCarthy additionally instructed the Fox Information program “Sunday Morning Futures” that the NDAA “is not going to transfer” until the mandate is lifted.

The transfer by Republicans on Capitol Hill to finish the mandate adopted calls by 21 Republican governors that Congress “take instant motion to take away and prohibit” the vaccine mandate by means of the NDAA or a separate measure.

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