Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan have been a Bollywood power couple for nearly 18 years. Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal, on the other hand, tied the knot rather recently in June 2024, but they are fast becoming a fan-favourite B-town couple. However, astrologer, Sushil Kumaar Singh recently predicted that both couples’ marriages would end in divorce. Not only that, he also mentioned some shocking details about the manner in which Sonakshi and Zaheer’s divorce would take place. Netizens also had much to say about the astrologer’s prediction.
Astrologer predicts Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal’s divorce will end after a lot of violence
Astrologer, Sushil Kumaar Singh recently appeared on The Awaara Musaafir podcast hosted by Jay Gangan. During the same, he predicted divorces in the future of two popular Bollywood couples, including Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal. When the astrologer predicted the end of Sonakshi and Zaheer’s relationship, host, Jay, expressed his shock, stating that the couple had only recently tied the knot. However, the astrologer doubled down on his prediction, adding further details about the conditions in which the divorce would happen. He said:
“Sonakshi Sinha ka divorce hoga. Bacha hone ke baad divorce hoga aur bohot hinsa ke baad divorce hoga. Sonakshi Sinha ka ek bacha hoga. Bacha hone ke baad inn dono mein arguments honge, woh haathapai, haath chalna, ye hoga fir divorce hoga. Ek bahut hi kharab end mein jayegi ye shaadi.”
On their part, Sonakshi and Zaheer are seemingly as happy as can be. The couple rang in their New Year in Australia, where they have been vacationing for a while now. They have also been spoiling their fans with updates from their holiday, which included bungee jumping, skydiving, enjoying a cricket match, going on a safari, and much more.
Astrologer predicts that Aishwarya Rai will ‘100%’ get divorced
The other couple the astrologer predicted would have a divorce was Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai. In fact, he stated that the former Miss World would ‘100%’ get divorced. He added that he had already made this prediction 8 months ago. Well, Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan have been plagued by divorce rumours for a long time. However, the couple has slowly but surely put all the unfounded gossip to rest.
Most recently, on January 4, 2025, Abhishek, his wife, Aishwarya and daughter, Aaradhya, returned to India after spending New Year’s abroad. Much to their fans’ delight, the family went on vacation and are now back. Abhishek, on arrival, was seen in a jovial mood as he guided Aishwarya inside the car. Aaradhya, too, was peppy and even wished a very happy new year to the paps who were stationed outside the airport to record the family’s return.
Watch the video here.
Netizens voice their opinion on the astrologer’s predictions
Most netizens took to the comment section of the video to express the astrologer’s ‘negative manifestations.’ One user penned, “People are taking the ‘right to speak’ tooooo casually sometimes,” while another hilariously wrote, “Astrologer appointed by Selmon Bhai.” Yet another user tagged Zaheer Iqbal and commented, “Don’t you have any shame putting this much negativity about others lives and discussing their marriages on this platform for no reason at all. @iamzahero you two should sue this page.”
What do you think about the astrologer’s predictions regarding Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan, as well as Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal’s divorces?
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